Química de materials (MATER)
Participació en congressos
- G. Turnes Palomino, J. J. Cuart Pascual, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Gallium-substituted MCM-41 and MCM-48 mesoporous silicas: NMR and FTIR characterization". "Zeolite Molecular Sieves. EuroConference on Guest-Functionalised Molecular Sieve Systems", Hattingen, Alemanya, 2004. Pòster.
- G. Turnes Palomino, B. Bonelli, E. Garrone, M. Rodríguez Delgado, O. V. Manoilova, C. Otero Areán. , "Isomerization of K(CO)+ and K(OC))+ Carbonyls Formed upon CO Adsorption on the Faujasit-Type K-Y Zeolite". "14th International Zeolite Conference", Cape Town, Sud-àfrica, 2004. Pòster.
- B. Bonelli, B. Fubini, G. Turnes Palomino, M. Rodríguez Delgado,C. Otero Areán, E. Garrone. , "Room Temperature Interaction of CO with Alkali-Metal Cations in M-ZSM-5 Zeolites as Studied by Joint FTI-IR Spectroscopy and Microcalorimetry". "14th International Zeolite Conference", Cape Town, Sud-àfrica, 2004. Pòster.
- C. Otero Areán, M. Rodríguez Delgado, J. J. Cuart Pascual, G. Turnes Palomino. , "Studies on Surface Acidity of Amorphous Gallia-Silica and Gallia-Substituted Periodic Mesoporous Silica". "4th International Mesostructured Material Symposium", Cape Town, Sud-àfrica, 2004. Pòster.
- C. Otero Areán, V. Montouillout, G. Turnes Palomino, J. J. Cuart Pascual, M. Rodríguez Delgado. , "Solid-State MAS-NMR and FTIR studies on the Substitution of Silicon by Trivalent Metal Ions in Amorphous and Mesostructured Silica". "NMRCM: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter", Saint Petersburg, Rússia, 2004. Pòster.
- V. S. Yanko, P. Yu. Storozhev, A. A. Tsyganenko, G. Turnes Palomino, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Interaction of simple molecules with surface anions of ionic adsorbents". "Fourth International Conference: Chemistry of Highly-Organized Substances and Scientific Principles of Nanotechnology", Saint Petersburg, Rússia, 2004. Presentació comunicació.
- M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Infrared spectroscopic studies on the surface chemistry of high-surface-area gallia polymorphs". "11ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. 5ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido (QIES 04)", Santiago de Compostela, Espanya, 2004. Pòster.
- C. Otero Areán, Montserrat Rodríguez Delgado, V. Montouillot, D. Massiot. , "Synthesis and Characterization of Spinel-Type Gallia-Alumina Solid Solutions". "QIES-04: 11a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica y 5a Reunión Científica Plenaria de Estado Sólido", Santiago de Compostela, Espanya, 2004. Pòster.
- G. Magnacca, G. Cerrato, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Morterra. , "Promoted sulphated ZrO2 catalysts: a calorimetric and FTIR spectroscopic study on the role of Al and Ga". "3rd International Symposium on 'Calorimetry and thermal Effects in Catalysis', CTEC LYON 2004", Lyon, França, 2004. Presentació comunicació.
- G. Cerrato, C. Morterra, M. Signoretto, F. Somma, F. Pinna, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Ga-promoted sulphated zirconia systems. Catalytic activity and surface acidity characterisation". "XIV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, GIC 2004", Lerici, Itàlia, 2004. Presentació comunicació.
- V. S. Yanko, P. Yu. Storozhev, A. A. Tsyganenko, G. Turnes Palomino, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Interaction of simple molecules with surface anions of ionic adsorbents". "Chemistry of Highly-Organized Substances and Scientific Principles of Nanotechnology", San Petersburgo, Rússia, 2004. Pòster.
- V. Montouillout, D. Massiot, M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "27Al and 71Ga MAS NMR studies on gallia-alumina solid solutions". "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter (NMRCM 2004)", San Petersburgo, Rússia, 2004. Pòster.
- Piña, M.N.; Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Rotger, C.; Costa, A.; Otero Areán, C.. , "Towards selective anion recognition by squaramides grafted to MCM-41 mesoporous silica". "The Fourth International Conference, Chemistry of Highly-organized substances and Scientific Principles of Nanotechnology", San Pertersburgo, Rússia, 2004. Dades de publicació: Libro de abstracts, p 45. Pòster.