Química de materials (MATER)

Participació en congressos

  • Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Nachtigall, P.; Otero Areán, C.. , "Gas adsorption on zeolites: The role of multiple-cation sites". "V Encuentro Franco-Español de Química y Física del Estado Sólido", Clermont-Ferrand, França, 2008. Pòster.
  • Ania, C.O.; Otero Areán, C.; Bonelli, B.; Llop Carayol, M.R.; Garrone, E.; Turnes Palomino, G.; Parra, J.B.. , "Hydrogen adsorption on the faujasite-type zeolites Ca-X and Ca-Y". "COPS-VIII: 8th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids", Edinburgh, Anglaterra, 2008. Pòster.
  • Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Armandi, M.; Garrone, E.; Bonelli, B.; Otero Areán, C.. , "Variable temperature FT-IR spectroscopic studies on CO adsorption on the faujasite-type zeolite Ca-Y". "XXII National Chemistry Congress", Famagusta, Turquia, 2008. Pòster.
  • Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Nachtigall, P.; Otero Areán, C.. , "Carbon monoxide adsorption on zeolites: single, dual and multiple-cation sites". "XXII National Chemistry Congress", Famagusta, Turquia, 2008. Pòster.
  • Otero Areán, C.; Bonelli, B.; Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Garrone, E.. , "Hydrogen storage by physisorption: the combined role of adsorption enthalpy and entropy". "XXII National Chemistry Congress", Famagusta, Turquia, 2008. Pòster.