Models per al Tractament de la Informació Borrosa (MOTIBO)
Altres publicacions
- Mayor, G.; Martin, J.; Valero, O.. , "Functionally expressible multidistances", Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-LFA 2011). França, 2011. Capítol de llibre.
- Mayor, G.; Martin, J.; Valero, O.. , "A fixed point theorem for asymmetric distances via aggregation functions", Proceedings of the 6th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP 2011).. Itàlia, 2011. Capítol de llibre.
- Romaguera, S.; Tirado, P.; Valero, O.. , "New results on mathematical foundations of asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms via complexity spaces", J. Vigo-Aguiar et alt. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods on Science and Engineering CMMSE-2011. Espanya, 2011. Capítol de llibre.
- Guerrero, J.; Oliver, G.. , "Auction and Swarm Multi-Robot Task Allocation Algorithms in Real Time Scenarios (Chapter 22)", Multi-Robot Systems, Trends and Development. Croàcia, 2011. Capítol de llibre.