Models per al Tractament de la Informació Borrosa (MOTIBO)
Publicacions en revistes
- Campión M.J.; Induráin. E; Ochoa. G; Valero. O, "Functional equations related to weightable quasi-metrics", "Hacettepe Journal Of Mathematics And Statistics", Volum 44, Pàgines 775-787, 2015. Article.
- Alghamdi, M.A.; Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "Projective contractions, generalized metrics and fixed points", "Fixed Point Theory And Applications", Volum 2015, Número 2015:181, 2015. Article.
- Alghamdi, M.A.; Alghamdi, M.A.; Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "A fixed point theorem in partial quasi-metric spaces and an application to Software Engineering", "Applied Mathematics and Computation", Volum 268, Pàgines 1292-1301, 2015. Article.
- Alghamdi, M.A.; Alghamdi, M.A.; Shahzad, N.; Valero, O., "On fixed point theory in topological posets, extended quasi-metrics and an application to asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms.", "Fixed Point Theory And Applications", Volum 2015:179, 2015. Article.
- García-Mas, A.; Fuster-Parra, P.; Ponseti, F.J.; Palou, P.; Olmedilla, A.; Cruz, J., "Análisis de las relaciones entre motivación, el clima motivacional y la ansiedad competitiva entre jóvenes jugadores de equipo mediante una red Bayesiana", "Anales de Psicología", Volum 3, Número 1, Pàgines 355-366, 2015. Article.
- Fuster-Parra, P.; Garcia-Mas, A; Ponseti, F.J.; Leo, F.M., "Team performance and collective efficacy in the dynamic psychology of competitive team: A Bayesian network analysis", "Human Movement Science", Volum 40, Pàgines 98-118, 2015. Article.
- Fuster Parra, Pilar; Bennasar Veny, Miguel; Tauler Riera, Pedro José; Yañez Juan, Aina Maria; López González, Ángel Arturo; Aguiló Pons, Antonio, "A Comparison between Multiple Regression Models and CUN-BAE Equation to Predict Body Fat in Adults", "Plos One", Volum 10, Número 3, Pàgines e0122291-e0122291, 2015. Article.
- Gregori, Valentín; Miñana, Juan-José y Morillas, Samuel, "On completable fuzzy metric spaces", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volum 267, Pàgines 133-139, 2015. Article.
- Gregori, Valentín y Miñana, Juan-José, "std-Convergence in fuzzy metric spaces", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volum 267, Pàgines 140-143, 2015. Article.
- del Barrio Castro, T. y Sansó, A., "On Augmented Franses Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots", "Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods", Volum 44, Número 24, Pàgines 5204-5212, 2015. Article.
- Aguiló, I; Martín, J.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J., "On distances derived from t-norms", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems", Volum 278, Pàgines 40-47, 2015. Article.