Nivell de la mar i Clima

Altres publicacions

  • Gomis, D.. , "Data Management in the framework of Research Projects involving Field Experiments", Experiences in project data management. Ed. M. Bohle-Carbonell. Luxemburg, 1998. Capítol de llibre.
  • Tintoré, J.; Vélez, P.; Gomis, D.; Monserrat, S.; Allen, J.; Guymer, R.; Roe, H.; Smeed, D.; Cipollini, P.; Font, J.; Ruiz, S.; Chic, O.; Beckers, J. M.; Rixen, M.; Corsini, G.; Diani, M.; Baldaccií, A.; et al.. , "Observations and Modelling of Eddy scale Geostrophic and Ageostrophic circulation", Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Project Synopses. Portugal, 1998. Capítol de llibre.