Gomis, D.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Tsimplis, M.N.; Marcos, M.; Pascual, A.; Ruiz, S.; Monserrat, S.; Mir, F.; Jordà, G.; Sotillo, M.G.; Pérez, B.; Ferrer, I.; Aznar, R.; Josey, S.; Larnicol, G.; Somot, S.. , "The VANIMEDAT project: decadal and interdecadal sea-level variability in the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeastern sector of the Atlantic Ocean". "European Geophysical Union - General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
D. Gomis, M. M. Flexas, A. H. Orsi, S. A. Yvon-Lewis, M. Álvarez, M. Palmer, G. Jordà, A. Orfila, M. Marcos, B. Casas, R. Santiago, N. Carillo, J. O'Hern), Y. Liu, Y. Kim, N. Garcias-Bonet, S. Ruiz-Halpern, M. Sánchez-Camacho, R. Vaquer, A. Coello, C. J. Galbán, C. Duarte, S. Agustí, J. Dachs. , "The ESASSI-08 cruise in the South Scotia Ridge region: preliminary analysis of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical data.". "European Geophysical Union - General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Calafat, F.M.; Gomis, D.; Pascual, A.; Marcos, M.; Ruiz, S.. , "Recovery of sea level fields of the last decades from altimetry and tide gauge data". "European Geophysical Union - General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Gomis, D.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Tsimplis, M.N.; Marcos, M.; Pascual, A.; Ruiz, S.; Monserrat, S.; Mir, F.; Jordà, G.; Sotillo, M.G.; Pérez, B.; Ferrer, I.; Aznar, R.; Josey, S.; Larnicol, G.; Somot, S.. , "The VANIMEDAT project: decadal and interdecadal sea-level variability in the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeastern sector of the Atlantic Ocean". "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Calafat, F.M.; Gomis, D.; Pascual, A.; Marcos, M.; Ruiz, S.. , "Recovery of sea level fields of the last decades from altimetry and tide gauge data". "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
D. Gomis, M. M. Flexas, A. H. Orsi, S. A. Yvon-Lewis, M. Álvarez, M. Palmer, G. Jordà, A. Orfila, M. Marcos, B. Casas, R. Santiago, N. Carillo, J. O'Hern), Y. Liu, Y. Kim, N. Garcias-Bonet, S. Ruiz-Halpern, M. Sánchez-Camacho, R. Vaquer, A. Coello, C. J. Galbán, C. Duarte, S. Agustí, J. Dachs. , "The ESASSI-08 cruise in the South Scotia Ridge region: preliminary analysis of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical data.". "SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference", S. Petersburg, Rússia, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.. , "Coastal sea level trends in Southern Europe". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Shaw, A.G.P.. , "Extreme sea levels in the Mediterranean Sea from observations and storm surge models". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Horsburgh, K.; Bernier, N.. , "Analysis of the performance of three 2d storm surge models". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Somot, S.; Barnier, B.. , "The forcing of sea level in the Mediterranean Sea between 1960-2000". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.. , "The forcing of coastal sea level rise patterns in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Herrmann, M.; Bouffard, J.; Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Ullmann, A.. , "Monitoring deep convection in the Mediterranean Sea: a multi-sensor approach". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Somot, S.; Gomis, D.; Pascual, A.. , "Modelling the Sea Level Changes in the Mediterranean Sea". "3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level trends", Rhodes, Grècia, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Sebastià Monserrat, Marta Marcos and José Luis López-Jurado. , "A mesoscale index to describe the regional ocean circulation around the Balearic Islands". "3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level trends", Rodes, Grècia, 2008. Pòster.
Calafat, F.M.; Gomis, D.; Pascual, A.; Marcos, M.; Ruiz, S.. , "Recovery of sea level ?elds of the last decades from altimetry and tide gauge data". "EGU General Assembly 2008", Vienna, Àustria, 2008. Pòster.
Calafat, F.M.; Gomis, D.; Pascual, A.; Marcos, M.; Ruiz, S.. , "Recovery of sea level ?elds of the last decades from altimetry and tide gauge data". "Effects of Climate Change on The World's Oceans, International Symposium", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Ponència.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.. , "Future projections in the Mediterranean Sea under global warming scenarios". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008", Viena, Àustria, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Marcos, M.; Tsimplis, M.;. , "Sea level change and extreme events in the Mediterranean Sea". "Effects of climate change on the world's oceans-International Symposium", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Damià Gomis, Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul, Michael N. Tsimplis, Marta Marcos, Ananda Pascual, Simón Ruiz, Sebastià Monserrat, Francisco Mir, Gabriel Jordà, Marcos G. Sotillo, Begoña Pérez, Immaculada Ferrer, Roland Aznar, Simon A. Josey, Gilles Larnicol and Samuel Somot. , "The VANIMEDAT project: decadal and interdecadal sea-level variability in the Mediterranean Sea and the northeastern sector of the Atlantic Ocean". "Effects of climate change on the world's oceans-International Symposium", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Guy Wöppelmann; M. Marcos; C. Letetrel; A. Coulomb. , "Marseille tide gauge: REVIEW AND RESCUE OF ITS HISTORICAL DATA (1885-1988)". "3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level trends", Rodas, Grècia, 2008. Presentació comunicació.
Marta Marcos; Mikis Tsimplis; A. G. P. Shaw. , "Extreme sea levels in the Mediterranean Sea from observations and storm surge models". "Extreme Events: Theory, Observations, Modeling, and Prediction", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2008. Pòster.
Ruiz, S.; Gomis, D.; Sotillo, M.G.; Josey, S.A.. , "Seasonal and interannual heat fluxes variability in the Mediterranean Sea from a 44-year high-resolution atmospheric data set". "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Pòster.
Vidal-Vijande, E.; Pascual, A.; Gomis, D.; Barnier, B.; Rixen, M.; Tintoré, J.. , "Analysis of a 44-year hindcast for the Mediterranean Sea: Comparison with altimetry and climatology". "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans", Gijón, Espanya, 2008. Pòster.
Gomis, D.. , "What do we know and what we do not know about the Mediterranean Sea level variability.". "3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level trends", Rhodes, Grècia, 2008. Conferència convidada.
Mir-Calafat, F.; Gomis, D.. , "Distribution of Sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea and the North-eastern sector of the Atlantic Ocean: 1945-2000". "3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the Mediterranean Sea circulation and sea level trends", Rhodes, Grècia, 2008. Pòster.