Neuropsicologia i Cognició (Neurocog)
Participació en congressos
- Ljungberg, J.K.; Parmentier, F.B.R.. , "Functional similarities of behavioral distraction by tactile and auditory deviance: modality-specific and shared modal processes". "1st joint meeting of the Spanish Experimental Psychology Society (SEPEX) and the Belgian Psychological Association (BAPS). Liège (Belgium), 10-11 May", Liège, Bèlgica, 2012. Pòster.
- Elsley, J.V.; Parmentier, F.B.R.. , "The role of attention during visuo-spatial feature binding in working memory". "5th International Conference on Memory, York (UK), 31 July - 5 August.", York, Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Elsley, J.V.; Parmentier, F.B.R.; Maybery, M.T.; Udale, R.C.. , "Exploring binding in working memory: Feature retrieval as a function of object proximity". "28th Annual BPS Cognitive Section Conference: Keele (UK), 6 - 8 September", Keele, Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Parmentier, F.B.R.. , "The ineluctable capture of attention by word deviants: A dual mechanism of involuntary semantic processing". "1st joint meeting of the Spanish Experimental Psychology Society (SEPEX) and the Belgian Psychological Association (BAPS). Liège (Belgium), 10-11 May", Liège, Bèlgica, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Elsley, J.V.; Parmentier, F.B.R.; Maybery, M.T. & Udale, R.. , "Investigating the role of spatial location in surface-feature binding: The retrieval of features and objects as a function of spatial proximity". "Annual Conference of the Cognitive Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, 29-31 August", Glasgow, Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Padilla, C.; Pérez, L.; Andrés, P. & Parmentier, F.B.R.. , "Physical activity and cognitive control: Exercise improves strategic inhibition". "Annual Conference of the Cognitive Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, 29-31 August", Glasgow, Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Padilla, C.; Pérez, L.; Andrés, P.; Parmentier, F.. , "Exercise improves executive control: evidence from the stop signal task". "British Psychological Society: Cognitive Section", Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Leiva, A.; Parmentier, F. & Andrés, P.. , "Distraction by deviant stimuli: Contrasting the sensory modality of distracters and targets". "Experimental Psychology Society", Bristol, Regne Unit, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Leiva, A.; Parmentier, F.B.R.; Andrés, P.. , "Distraction by deviant stimuli: Contrasting the sensory modality of distractors and targets". "ERNI-HSF Science Meeting, Orienting of attention: Neural implementation, underlying mechanisms and clinical implications", Tübingen, Alemanya, 2012. Pòster.
- Leiva, A.; Parmentier, F.B.R.; Andrés, P.. , "Distraction by deviant stimuli: Contrasting the sensory modality of distractors and targets". "Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, 11-13 July, Bristol", Bristol, Anglaterra, 2012. Pòster.
- Pacheco-Unguetti, A. P., & de Fockert, J. W.. , "Mood induction and stimulus valence on the Ebbinghaus illusion.". "VII Simposio de la Asociación de Motivación y Emotion (AME).", Cádiz, Espanya, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- Pacheco-Unguetti, A.P.; Acosta, A.. , "Emotional Intelligence abilities and affective experience: Experiential-EI facilitates emotional induction". "VII Simposio de la Asociación de Motivación y Emotion (AME).", Cádiz, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Pacheco-Unguetti, A. P., & Acosta, A. (2012). Habilidades de Inteligencia emocional y experiencia afectiva. Aportaciones recientes al estudio de la motivación y las emociones (pp. 191-197). Fenix Editora. ISBN 978-84-940056-0-2. Presentació comunicació.
- Pilar Andrés, Laura Pérez, Concepción Padilla. , "Bilingualism and physical activity as cognitive reserve factors.". "Second International Conference on Aging, Cognition and Neuroscience.", Madrid, Espanya, 2012. Ponència.