Nutrigenòmica, biomarcadors i avaluació de riscos
Participació en congressos
- Palou, A.. . "IX European Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (XXVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine)", Madrid, 23-25 de Febrero, Espanya, 2012. Membre del comitè científic.
- Palou, A.. . "IX European Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (XXVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine)", Madrid, 23-25 de Febrero, Espanya, 2012. Sense especificar.
- Palou, A.. , "Epigenética, obesidad y medicina estética". "IX European Congress of Aesthetic Medicine (XXVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine)", Madrid, 23-25 de Febrero, Espanya, 2012. Conferència convidada.
- Palou, A.. , "Nutrigenómica y Nutrición personalizada". "Simposium de Nutrigenómica", Puebla, 30 de Marzo, Mèxic, 2012. Conferència convidada.
- Konieczna, J.; Torrens, J.M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, M.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Protection against obesity development in the offspring of moderate caloric restricted rats during lactation may be related with early programming of white and brown adipose tissue metabolic functions.". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts 5(Suppl.1):120-121. Pòster.
- Palou, M.; Priego, T.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Metabolic programming of SIRT1 expression by moderate caloric restriction during gestation in rats may be related with obesity susceptibility in later life". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts 5(Suppl.1):51. Presentació comunicació.
- García, A.P.; Priego, T.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Circulating ghrelin concentration is early altered in rats predisposed to obesity due to undernutrition during gestation in relation with alterations in the sympathetic drive to the stomach". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Facts p.123 (2012). Pòster.
- Garcia Carrizo, F.G.; Rodríguez Guerrero, A.M.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Diet supplemented with high esterified pectins (HEP) from apple improves key metabolic parameters and reduces body weight in connection with molecular changes in liver and adipose tissue in the obesity-prone rat model of progeny of moderate caloric-restricted dams". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts p.124. Pòster.
- Musinovic, H.; Ribot, J.; Palou, A.. , "Gastric leptin in short-tem regulation of feeding by fatty acids". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts p.126. Pòster.
- Sánchez, J.; Llopis, M.; Priego, T.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Maternal supplementation with different sources of fat during pregnancy and lactation differently affects the offspring hepatic metabolism". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Facts p.134 (2012). Pòster.
- Granados, N.; Caimari, A.; Oliver, P.; Palou, A.; Bonet, L.. , "Changes in Nicotinamide phosphorribosil transferase expression in brown adipose tissue with aging and obesity". "European Congress of Obesity", LYON, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: OBESITY FACTS 2012; 5 (suppl 1)138. Pòster.
- Díaz-Rúa, R.; García, E.; Caimari, A.; Palou, A.; Oliver, P.. , "Changes in expression of lipid metabolism genes in brown and white adipose tissues of rat in response to an isocaloric pair-fed high-fat diet". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts p.144. Pòster.
- Petrov, P.; Ribot, J.; Palou, A.; Bonet, M.. , "Differential responses to metabolic stressors in mice haploinsufficient for the retinoblastoma protein gene". "19th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2012)", Lyon, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts, The European Journal of Obesity 2012; 5 (Suppl 1), p. 145 (Poster 536) (ISSN 1662-4025). Pòster.
- Torrens, J.M.; Konieczna, J.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Moderate maternal caloric restriction during lactation improves hepatic metabolic capacity in offspring in relation whit their protective effects against fat accumulation". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts 5(Suppl.1):147. Pòster.
- Priego, T.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Postprandial effect of arginine-rich protein, added tho a high-fat meal in men whit characteristics of the metabolic syndrome". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012)", Lyon, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Facts p.148 (2012). Pòster.
- Granados, N; Musinovich, H; Amengual, J; Ceresi, E; Von Lintig, J; Bonet, M; Ribot, J; Palou, A.. , "Early dietary vitamin A supplementation affects adipose tissue development in young rats". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 9-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts p.159. Pòster.
- Reynés, B.; Oliver, P.; Caimari, A.; Palou, A.. , "Preripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC): a potential source of homeostatic disequilibrium markers associated to obesity development". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts p.176. Pòster.
- López, N.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Serra, F.. , "Maternal L-leucine supplementation during lactation modulates insulin sensitivity in rat offspring in a sex-dependent manner". "XIX European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2012).", Lyon, 09-12 de Mayo, França, 2012. Dades de publicació: Obesity Facts 5(suppl.1):252. Pòster.
- Asnani, M.; Rodríguez, A.M.; Palou, A.. , ""Search of early biomarkers of metabolic robustness in the model of mice supplemented with physiological doses of leptin during lactation"". "Interaction Meeting. BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers& Lifestyle. Interaction Meeting. BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Chaplin, A.; Parra, P.; Serra, F.; Palou, A.. , "Impact of calcium and conjugated linoleic acid on the gastrointestinal tract in mice". "Symposium on Biomarkers & Lifestyle: Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBERobn", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Díaz-Rúa, R.; Oliver, P.; van Schothorst, E.M.; Caimari, A.; Keijer, J.; Palou, A.. , "Gene expression profile of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) is affected by diet macronutrient composition". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- García, A.P.; Priego, T.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Early alterations in plasma ghrelin levels in rats predisposed to obesity seems linked to lower sympathetic drive to the stomach". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- García, F.J.; Rodríguez, A.M.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Liver response to supplementation with high esterified pectins in obesity prone rats". "Symposium on Biomarkers & Lifestyle: Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBERobn", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- García-Ruiz, E.; Díaz-Rúa, R.; Caimari, A.; Palou, A.; Oliver, P.. , "High-fat isocaloric pair-feeding affects the expression of AgRP and CART, hypothalamic peptides involved in food intake control". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Konieczna, J.; Torrens, J.M.; Sanchez, J.; Palou, M.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Identification of early markers of improved metabolic functions of brown and white adipose tissues in the offspring of calorie-restricted dams during lactation". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, 7-07-2012, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Laraichi, S.; Parra, P.; El Amarti, A.; Palou, A.; Serra, F.. , "The impact of CLA in lipogenic enzyme expression is attenuated in presence of dietary co-supplementation with calcium in mice". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Nozhenko, Y.; Rodriguez, A.; Palou, A.. , "Effect of leptin on the expression of transcription factors and coactivators involved in oxidative metabolism in C2C12 muscle cells: time course study comparing different supra- and physiological concentrations". "V BIOCLAIMS Meeting & Symposium on Biomarkers & Lifestyle: Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBERobn", Palma, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Palou, M.; Priego, T.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "SIRT1 expression as a potential early biomarker of obesity susceptibility in offspring of calorie-restricted rats during gestation". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Parra, P.; Serra, F.; Palou, A.. , "Differential expression profile of microR As in gastrocnemius muscle in response to CLA and calcium-supplemented high-fat diet". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Petrov, P.; Ribot, J.; Palou, A.; Bonet, M.L.. , "Differential responses to metabolic stressors in mice haploinsufficient for the retinoblastoma protein gene". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Petrov, P.; Moreno-Navarrete, J.M.; García-Ruiz, E.; Serrano, M.; Ortega, F.; Oliver, P.; Ricart, W.; Ribot, J.; Bonet, M.L.; Fernández-Real, J.M.; Palou, A.. , "Pocket protein expression in association with obesity in human and rat adipose tissue". "Reflections 0n Biomarkers and Lifestyle", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Priego, T.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Programming of obesity susceptibility by different nutritional conditions during the perinatal period and its influence on insulin and leptin sensitivity in adulthood". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Reynés, B.; Oliver, P.; Caimari, A.; Palou, A.. , "Peripheral blood mononuclear cells reflect insensitivity to feeding conditions associated to obesity development". "BIOCLAIMS-CIBERobn and V BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Sánchez, J.; Priego, T.; Picó, C.; Ahrens, W.; De Henauw, S.; Fraterman, A.; Mårild, S.; Molnár, D.; Moreno, L.A.; Peplies, J.; Russo, P.; Siani, A.; Tornaritis, M.; Veidebaum, T.; Palou, A. on behalf of the IDEFICS Consortium. , "CPT1A and SCL27A2 expression levels in blood cells as potential new biomarkers for the insulin resistant state associated with overweight in children". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Torrens, J.M.; Konieczna, J.; Palou, M.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Early programming effects of moderate maternal caloric restriction during lactation on hepatic lipid metabolism capacity in offspring may be related with a better lipid handling in adulthood". "Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, 7-8 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Reflections on Biomarkers & Lifestyle (Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting) . Editores: Andreu Palou, Francisca Serra, Paula Oliver 2012. Palma de Mallorca. ISBN: 978-84-695-3774-9. Pòster.
- Zamanillo, R.; López, N.; Palou, A.; Serra, F.. , "A core of plasma fatty acid could be gender-specific suitable markers to assess predisposition to obesity.". "Symposium on Biomarkers & Lifestyle: Interaction Meeting BIOCLAIMS-CIBEROBN & V BIOCLAIMS Meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2012. Pòster.
- Palou, A.. , "Science and authorisation". "4th International Fresenius Conference. Health and Nutrition Claim", Mainz, 8-9 de Mayo, Alemanya, 2012. Presidència de sessió.
- Ribot, J.; Musinovic, H.; Granados, N.; Amengual, J.; Ceresi, E.; Von Lintig, J.; Bonet, M.L.; Palou, A.. , "Retynil palmitate supplementation during the suckling period affects adipose tissue development in young rats". "Benzon Symposium Nº58: Adipose Tissue in Health and Disease", Copenhagen, 27-30 de Agosto, Dinamarca, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de résumenes de congreso, P.33. Pòster.
- Rodríguez, A.M.; Javier García, F.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "High esterified pectins (HEP) supplementation prevents overweight and fat accumulation in the rat obesity-prone model of offspring of moderate caloric-restricted dams in connection with molecular changes in brown and white adipose tissue". "Benzon Symposium Nº58: Adipose Tissue in Health and Disease", Copenhagen, 27-30 de Agosto, Dinamarca, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de résumenes de congreso, P.50. Pòster.
- García-Ruiz, E.; Díaz-Rua, R.; Caimari, A.; Palou, A.; Oliver, P.. , "Changes in hypothalamic AgRP and CART expression in rats in response to a high-fat isocaloric pair-feeding". "Benzon Symposium No. 58 - Adipose Tissue in Health and Disease", Copenhague, Dinamarca, 2012. Dades de publicació: Poster No. IV-11 Abstracts Benzon Symposium No.58. Pòster.
- Palou, A.. , "Health and Diseases. Session:"Diabesity and Lipidomics"". "X Euro Fed Lipid Congress; Fats, Oils and Lipids", Cracovia, 23-26 de Septiembre, Polònia, 2012. Presidència de sessió.
- Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Metabolic programming of obesity". "10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress", Cracovia, 23-26 Septiembre, Polònia, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de resúmenes. Conferència convidada.
- Priego, T.; Sánchez, J.; Picó, C.; Ahrens, W.; De Henauw, S.; Fraterman, A.; Mårild, S.; Molnár, D.; Moreno, L.A.; Peplies, J.; Russo, P.; Siani, A.; Tornaritis, M.; Veidebaum, T.; Palou, A.. , "Blood Cells as a Source of Transcriptional Biomarkers of Childhood Obesity.". "NuGO week 2012", Helsinki, 28-31 de agosto, Finlàndia, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de resúmenes. Pòster.
- Palou, M.; García, A.P.; Priego, T.; Sánchez, J.: Palou, A. and Pico, C.. , "Gestational programming of impaired brown adipose tissue innervation and obesity in rats is offset only in females by differential innervation of white adipose tissue". "Congress XXII IUMBMB and XXXVII FEBS, From Single Molecules to Systems Biology", Sevilla, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl. 1): 401 (2012). Pòster.
- Sánchez, J.; Palou, M.; Torrens, J.M.; Konieczna, J.; Priego, T.; Palou, A.; Picó, C.. , "Different health outcomes of prenatal and postnatal nutritional conditions affecting obesity susceptibility may be related with diferent programming effects on similar metabolic targets". "22nd IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and 37th FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) Congress", Sevilla, 4-9 Septiembre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl.1):401. Presentació comunicació.
- López, N.; Sánchez, J.; Palou, A.; Serra, F.. , "Impact of early leucine supplementation on glucose-insulin homeostasis". "22nd IUBMB and 37th FEBS. From Single Molecules to Systems Biology (SEBBM)", Sevilla, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl. 1) (2012) p.402. Pòster.
- Palou, A.. , "Metabolic programming of obesity". "XXII IUBMB & XXXVII FEBS Congress", Sevilla, 4-9 de Septiembre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl. 1) (2012) p.402. Presentació comunicació.
- Ribot, J.; Musinovic, M.; Granados, N.; Amengual, J.; Ceresi, E.; Von Lintig, J.; Bonet, M.L. and Palou, A.. , "Retinyl palmitate, but no b-carotene, supplementation during the suckling period affects adipose tissue development in young rats". "XXII IUBMB & XXXVII FEBS Congress", Sevilla, 4-9 de Septiembre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl. 1) (2012) p.403. Pòster.
- Chaplin, A.; Laraichi, S.; Parra, P.; Serra, F.; Palou, A.. , "Dietary calcium supplementation modulates gut microflora in mice". "Gut Microbiota in health and disease", Maastricht, 13-15 de Septiembre, Països Baixos, 2012. Pòster.
- Zamanillo, R.; Serra, F.; Palou, A.. , "Nutrigenomic study of the potential impact of diet on the composition of milk and infant development.". "Doctoral workshop on molecular nutrition", Tarragona, 18-20 de Junio, Espanya, 2012. Presentació comunicació.
- García-Ruiz, E.; Reynés, B.; Díaz-Rúa, R.; Palou, A.; Oliver, P.. , "The intake of high fat diets induces the acquisition of brown adipocyte gene expression features in the inguinal white adipose tissue depot and peripheral blood mononuclear cells". "DIABAT Symposium", Berlín, Alemanya, 2012. Pòster.
- Palou, A.. , "Retos emergentes en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición". "II SYMPOSIUM: Bioaditivos e ingredientes funcionales para la innovación alimentaria", Barcelona, 24 de Octubre, Espanya, 2012. Conferència convidada.
- Palou, A.. , "Reflexiones sobre Biomarcadores y Estilos de Vida". "I Simposio Mediterráneo: nutrición,dietética,innovación", Valencia, 25 de Octubre, Espanya, 2012. Conferència convidada.
- Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Metabolic imprinting by leptin in early life to prevent obesity". "6th International immunonutrition workshop", Palma de Mallorca, 15-17 Octubre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de resúmenes. Conferència convidada.
- Sánchez, J.; Priego, T.; Picó, C.; Ahrens, W.; De Henauw, S.; Fraterman, A.; Lacoviello, L.; Mårild, S.; Molnár, D.; Moreno, .LA.; Peplies, J.; Russo, P.; Siani, A.; Tornaritis, M.; Veidebaum, T.; Palou, A.. , "Potential interest of InsR, CPT1A, FASN and PPARa expression in blood cells as biomarkers of dyslupidemia in children". "6th International immunonutrition workshop", Palma de Mallorca, 15-17 Octubre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Volume 72, Issue OCE1, January 2013, E15. Presentació comunicació.
- García, F.J.; Rodríguez, A.M.; Picó, C.; Palou, A.. , "Supplementation with high esterified pectins decreases energy efficiency and adiposity in an obesity-prone rat model, activating AMPK and inhibiting ACC enzymes in liver by phosphorilation.". "6th International immunonutrition workshop", Palma de Mallorca, 15-17 Octubre, Espanya, 2012. Dades de publicació: Libro de resúmenes. Presentació comunicació.
- Chaplin, A.; Laraichi, S.; Parra, P.; Palou, A.; Serra, F.. , "Modulation of A. muciniphila content in the gastrointestinal tract of mice by CLA supplementation". "Gut Day Symposium", Leuven, 9 de Noviembre, Bèlgica, 2012. Pòster.