Investigació clínica i traslacional
Publicacions en revistes
- López, A.; Gutiérrez, A.; Palacios, A.; Blancas, I.; Navarrete, M.; Morey, M.; Perelló, A.; Alarcón, J.; Martínez, J.; Rodríguez, J., "The Gemox-R regimen is a highly effective salvage regimen in patients with refractory/relapsing diffuse large-cell lymphoma (DLCL). A phase II study", "European Journal of Haematology", 2008. Article en premsa.
- Serra, J.M.; Gutiérrez, A; Alemany, R.; Navarro, M.; Ros, T.; Saus, C.; Ginés, J.; Sampol, A.; Amat, J.C.; Serra-Moisés, L.; Martín, J.; Galmes, A.; Vögler, O.; Besalduch, J., "Inhibition of c-Myc downregulation by sustained ERK activation prevents methotrexate- and gemcitabine-induced differentiation in non-small cell lung cancer cells" [], "Molecular Pharmacology", Volum 73, Número 6, Pàgines 1679-1687, 2008. Article.
- Vögler, O.; López-Bellan, A.; Alemany, R.; Tofé, S.; González, M.; Quevedo, M.; Pereg, V.; Barceló, F.; Escribá, P. V., "Structure-effect relation of C18 long-chain fatty acids in the reduction of body weight in rats" [], "International Journal of Obesity", Volum 32, Número 2, Pàgines 464-473, 2008. Article.
- Prades, J.; Alemany, R.; Perona, J.S.; Funari, S.S.; Vögler, O.; Ruiz-Gutiérrez, V.; Escribá, P.V.; Barceló, F., "Effects of 2-hydroxyoleic acid on the structural properties of biological and model plasma membranes" [], "Molecular Membrane Biology", Volum 25, Número 1, Pàgines 46-57, 2008. Article.
- Vögler, O.; Barceló, J. M.; Ribas, C.; Escribá, P. V., "Membrane interactions of G proteins and related proteins" [], "Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes", Volum 1778, Número 7-8, Pàgines 1640-1652, 2008. Review.