Sistemes, Robòtica i Visió (SRV)
Publicacions en revistes
- Ortiz, A.; Oliver, G., "Analysis of Colour Channel Coupling from a Physics-based Viewpoint: Application to Colour Edge Detection", "Pattern Recognition", Volum 43, Número 7, Pàgines 2507-2520, 2010. Article.
- Nieto, M.A.; Garau, B.; Balle, S.; Simarro, G.; Zarruk, G.A.; Ortiz, A.; Tintore, J.; Álvarez-Ellacuría, A.; Gómez-Pujol, L.; Orfila, A., "An open source, low cost video-based coastal monitoring system", "Earth Surface Processes and Landforms", Volum 35, Pàgines 1712-1719, 2010. Article.
- Bonnin-Pascual, F.; Ortiz, A., "Detection of Cracks and Corrosion for Automated Vessels Visual Inspection", "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", Volum 220, Pàgines 111-120, 2010. Article.
- Bonin-Font, F.; Burguera, A.; Oliver, G., "Fotografia i Visió Submarina: Revisant els Avanços més Recents", "Enginy@eps", Número 2, Pàgines 72-77, 2010. Article.
- Proenza, J. and Vitturi, S., "Guest Editor for a Special Section on Industrial Communication Systems (including 5 selected papers) and co-author of the Guest Editorial for this Special Section", "IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics", Volum 6, Número 3, Pàgines 365-437, 2010. Article.
- De Novi, G.; Melchiorri, C.; García, J.C.; Sanz, P.J.; Ridao, P.; Oliver, G., "New approach for a reconfigurable autonomous underwater vehicle for intervention", "IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine", Volum 25, Número 11, Pàgines 32-36, 2010. Article.
- Bonin-Font, F.; Burguera, A.; Ortiz, A.; Oliver, G., "Visual Localization using Ground Points", "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", Volum 220, Pàgines 301-310, 2010. Article.