Teràpia cel·lular i enginyeria tissular (TERCIT)

Participació en congressos

  • Monjo, M.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Rønold, H.J.; Kvam, B.; Yousefi, S.; Ellingsen, J.E.. , "Effect of fluoride-modified titanium implants on inflammation, bone formation and resorption markers at the bone-implant interface". "Norwegian Biochemistry Society, Annual Meeting", Lillehammer, Noruega, 2007. Pòster.
  • Lamolle, S.F.; Monjo, M.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Ellingsen, J.E; Haugen, H.J.. , "Titanium Implant Surface Modification by Cathodic Reduction in Hydrofluoric Acid: Surface Characterisation and in Vivo Performance". "Society for Biomaterials, 2007 Annual Meeting", Chicago, Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2007. Presentació comunicació.
  • Sabetrasekh, R.; Busch, C.; Monjo, M.; Lyngstadaas, S.P; Reseland, J.E.. , "Bone cell growth is enhanced in Histocare gel". "34th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues", Copenhague, Dinamarca, 2007. Pòster.
  • Lamolle, S.F.; Monjo, M.; Lyngstadaas, S.P.; Ellingsen, J.E; Haugen, H.J.. , "Effect of Hydrofluoric Acid etched Dental Impant Titanium Surfaces". "21st European Conference on Biomaterials", Brighton, Anglaterra, 2007. Pòster.